
Contact us to initiate the planning of a unique stay in peaceful and picturesque surroundings by the sea, at the far end of Vesterålen. We look forward to hearing from you.

Priser 2025:

Fra kr 3800 pr. døgn

Questions and booking

If you wish to check available dates and price and book accommodation, you can do so here

Om du ønsker å leie kun selskapslokalet/møterommet eller Sjøstua (2 personer), eller om du har andre spørsmål kan du ta kontakt med oss direkte.


Skagenveien 49
8470 Bø i Vesterålen



Skagenhaugen is approximately a 2.5-hour drive from Harstad/Narvik (Evenes) Airport and 1 hour from Sortland. Follow FV820 from Sortland all the way to Steine, in Bø in Vesterålen. After passing the shopping center with Spar grocery store, there are 3 minutes left to Skagenhaugen. 650m after the shopping center, take a right onto Skagenveien.